Learn to Be Positive in Everyday Life..

Robert Chai
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2016


Imagery Design by Robert Chai (ROBERRYARTS STUDIOS)

It seemed almost impossible in Today’s society to constantly sing praises of enthusiasm and positivism, when the usual highlights of our daily reads, whether in the news or on our social feeds, dwells on disasters, failures and all things that depict our world spiralling down to its near-end of days.

And I have to admit, I am one of those willing parties who often felt short to these “humanly weaknesses” and allowed myself to linger from ‘how bad my life will be..’ to even ‘how bad my day will be..’ Which.. Ultimately, is just silly stories that has no valid ground nor make any perfect sense, when I sat down to link up the source of how / why all these thoughts came into my mind in the first place.

Life is tough. I’m not perfect. I’m just Human.. And you are one too.

In this very first post of mine on Medium, I would like to learn to be frank about myself. Share the odd and potentially painful lessons of my personal life, and hope that it may in some way help others and benefit someone like you who is taking time off to read this.

This writeup is my first step in Learning to Be Positive in my Everyday Life. —

  1. Reflect on my day.
  2. Pay Gratitude to what I already have and the people who are still in my life.
  3. And Move on and take those necessary baby steps to lead a better life that may benefit others.

Be the Change.. And Be a Second Chance in Life.

As you awake this Morning.. Your day may roll forward either as a Good or Bad day.. (And in Life, there’s rarely a day of Maybes). You have a Choice. Choose to Live your Today a Good Day.

I will start my own life experimentation from this day forth..

Yours truly. Robert Chai

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